Pomerania Poland – Top 10 sights

Are you planning a vacation in the north of Poland? In this article we present you the Top 10 Pomerania Poland sights!

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Poland’s north is one of the country’s most popular travel regions and is only a stone’s throw away from the German border. The three voivodships (comparable to districts or states) West Pomerania (Zachodniopomorskie), Pomerania (Pomorskie) and Kuyavian-Pomerania (Kujawsko-Pomorskie) together with the German Vorpommern form this unique region where you will encounter numerous natural beauties, old Hanseatic cities and the beautiful Baltic Sea.

These are the Top 10 Pomerania Poland sights

In this article we would like to introduce you to the Top 10 Pomerania Poland sights in a little more detail. If you are planning a trip to Gdansk, the most important city in the region, you will find a list of the most beautiful sights here. And if you click here, you’ll get directly to our practical tips for planning your trip.

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Picture of Renata Misztal on Pixabay


Poland’s western city of Szczecin is just five kilometres from the German border and its proximity to the border makes it an ideal destination for an excursion. Despite its 400,000 inhabitants, the port city on the West Oder is relaxed and quiet. The most important sight is the Renaissance-style Szczecin Castle, the former residence of the Dukes of Pomerania. St James’ Cathedral in the brick Gothic style is one of the largest churches in the region, and only a few years ago it received its new spire.

Architecture fans should definitely visit the Philharmonic Hall. Opened in 2015, the sensational building has unique acoustics and has been awarded several important architectural prizes. But one of my personal favorites are the Wały Chrobrego, an ensemble of several buildings. From here you have a wonderful view of the water. Of course, Szczecin belongs on every list of the most beautiful Pomerania Poland sights!

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Picture by Markus Bingel


Gdansk exudes maritime flair like no other Polish city. Once the pride and joy of the Hanseatic League, tourists from all over the world come here today. Some walk in the footsteps of the writer Günter Grass, who set a literary monument to the city in his Gdansk Trilogy. Others come here because of the beautiful old town. But Westerplatte, which became a symbol of Polish resistance against the Germans at the beginning of the Second World War, is also one of the highlights of a visit to Gdansk. The decline of communism in Poland also began here when the trade union Solidarity (Solidarność) around its leader Lech Wałęsa questioned the power structure in Poland. For these reasons, Gdansk is perhaps the most exciting Pomerania Poland tourist attraction of all!

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Picture by Markus Bingel


Gdansk is impressive in itself, but what I find most beautiful is that the city has grown together with Sopot and Gdynia into the so-called Tricity, and all three places have a different character. Sopot is a glamorous and chic seaside resort that attracts the rich and beautiful people of the country. The most important sight is the pier. The wooden pier is the longest of its kind in Europe with over 500 meters. There is even a restaurant on the wooden pier, and you can also make excursions to the Hel Peninsula from here. After a visit to the pier you can relax on the beach or take a look at the Crooked house, a building built in 2004 where everything is so crooked that it seems to collapse.

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Picture by Damian Machola on Pixabay


A good 100 years ago Gdynia was a sleepy nest. After Poland gained independence after the First World War, Gdynia became the country’s most important port city within a few years. During the Second World War, the city was heavily destroyed and then rebuilt. Here you will find many socialist architectural gems, which are currently applying for the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site, and with the Skwer Kościuszki and the Park Rady Europy a wonderful area to relax. But the most beautiful is the harbour, where you can admire tall ships and ships of the Polish Navy from close range.

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Picture by abstract-studio on Pixabay

Hel Peninsula

The Bay of Gdansk is separated from the Baltic Sea by a 34-kilometer-long headland. Beautiful beaches, a picturesque lighthouse and especially the famous seal station at the harbor of the village of the same name attract countless tourists to Hela year after year.

The peninsula is also ideal for kitesurfers, but the most beautiful thing is the long walks you can take here. Hela is easily accessible from Gdansk, Zopott and Gdynia by ferry or excursion boat, but you can also get here by car. Guided tours* are also offered.

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Picture by Mateusz_foto on Pixabay


Toruń is definitely one of the most beautiful cities – not only in Pomerania, but in all of Poland. Toruń is a synthesis of the arts with countless brick buildings that have survived the ages and have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Countless museums and the wonderful panorama of the city from the other side of the Vistula make the birthplace of the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus an ideal destination for a short trip. However, the city is not only famous for its famous son, but also for its gingerbread. The local speciality comes in every shape and flavour you can imagine. It even has its own museum dedicated to it.

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Picture by Markus Bingel


The small town of Malbork in Pomerania has just 40,000 inhabitants. It is hard to believe that the largest castle in Europe is located here. Here on the Nogat River, the Teutonic Knights built a fortress in the 13th century that resembles a small town within the town. No wonder Malbork Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On a tour* lasting several hours, you can visit most parts of the complex today. The panoramic view of Malbork Castle from the other bank of the Nogat is also impressive. So Malbork Castle is not only an exciting excursion destination, but definitely one of the top 10 Pomeranian sights.

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Picture by WikimediaImages on Pixabay


Together with Torun, Bydgoszcz is the capital of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship. The city attracts far fewer tourists than its famous sister and is therefore something for real explorers. The historical center is located on both sides of the picturesque river Brda. On its banks and on the small mill island there are not only wonderfully restored half-timbered houses alternating with modern apartments, but also one of the most unusual monuments in the country, the Tightrope Walker: Since Poland joined the EU in 2004, a figure has been hovering over the river here, symbolizing the transition to a new era.

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Picture by Kerstin Riemer on Pixabay

Wolyn and Świnoujście

The little sister of Usedom, which we have already introduced to you along with Wolyn and Swinoujscie in a separate post, is just as interesting as its German counterpart and has beautiful beaches.

In Swinoujscie, you can watch the Swine River flow into the Baltic Sea and come across several Prussian forts that add variety to your visit. Highlights of Wolyn and its German sister Usedom can be found in our guest article by Martin Brand.

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Picture by morzaszum on Pixabay

Słowiński National Park

Over 18,000 hectares are covered by the Slovenian National Park in the north of Poland, making it one of the largest national parks in the country. Unique dune landscapes with shifting dunes, spits formed by glaciers, coastal lakes and wide beaches have earned it the status of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. But also the animal world is a speciality: Countless species of birds, tanuki, protected plants and much more provide variety, relaxation and exciting discoveries. Definitely a special one of the Pomerania Poland sights.

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Markus Bingel has studied and worked in Poland, Ukraine and Russia for a long time. As a travel book author, he is drawn to the countries of the “Wild East” several times a year – and he is still fascinated by this region every time. As co-founder of Wild East, he would like to introduce you to the unknown, exciting and always surprising sides of Eastern Europe.

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